Overcoming Challenges to Save Lives
We can’t say it enough times: if you want to prevent pet overpopulation, spay and neuter your pets. The solution seems simple…but it’s not simple for everyone. When it’s a choice between paying the heating bill and paying for a spay/neuter procedure, it’s not easy. Our animal welfare partners work hard to educate communities about the importance of spay/neuter and support individuals who lack the economic means for needed pet care. They make sure pet owners and healthy pets can stay together for life.
Reaching Those Who Need It Most
Community Spay Neuter Initiative Partnership (C-SNIP) in Kentwood, Michigan is an example of the many impressive programs run by BPF partners to assist people living in poverty with their pets. Meeting the individuals that need assistance and gaining their trust is often the most difficult part of the equation for groups like C-SNIP. With funding from a recent BPF grant, C-SNIP is addressing this problem by holding low-cost Pet Wellness & Vaccine Clinics in collaboration with churches, human service organizations and other trusted community groups in the targeted neighborhoods. Once credibility and trust are established, C-SNIP provides a deeply discounted voucher for the clients to return for spay/neuter procedures. The help doesn’t end there because the voucher might go unused without follow up. A C-SNIP outreach coordinator calls or visits every individual who receives a voucher to remind them and help them keep their appointments. This dedication ensures pets are spayed/neutered and establishes C-SNIP’s relationship as a reliable partner for the individuals in need.
It Takes a Village
Groups like C-SNIP know they need help to reach everyone. By investing time and establishing relationships with clients in low-income neighborhoods, they are creating a population of ambassadors who can tell their neighbors and friends where and how to get help for their pets. The more people who know there is a place to turn, the more people C-SNIP can help. The recent BPF grant will allow C-SNIP to hold 6 Pet Wellness & Vaccine Clinics and spay/neuter over 2,000 pets… and BPF is supporting similar programs all across the country! Let’s get the word out that there is help for pets and people who need it!