New Mexico Dog ‘RezQue’ Operation Saves 30+ Dogs Near Highway
In the past few weeks, the BPF team has been busy supporting our partners’ lifesaving work, including the most recent rescue mission involving 30 starving dogs who were found on a reservation in New Mexico.
Just a year ago, three dogs were living happy lives on a private property within the Mescalero Apache Reservation in New Mexico. The three dogs bred rapidly, and a year later 30 dogs were roaming the reservation and hunting for food near the busy highway.
Taking care of 30 dogs is not a typical, nor easy task and the dogs were in life-threatening danger between conservation officers and oncoming traffic from the highway surrounding the reservation. The owners of the original three dogs were in over their heads and desperate for help, which is why AnimalVillageNM (AVNM) and BISSELL Pet Foundation became involved.
This rescue demonstrates the importance of spay/neuter to prevent unwanted litters like those on the reservation. BPF prioritizes support of our partners’ spay/neuter efforts across the country to reduce the homeless pet population and save pets from the dangers of life as a stray.
In addition to transporting the dogs to safety, AnimalVillageNM built excess kennels to accommodate the 30+ dogs. The rescued dogs received spay/neuter procedures and necessary vaccinations to prepare them for adoption, which is the final step to this rescue mission. To adopt these adorable pups you can visit
We are thankful to work with such a hands-on organization like AVNM who have been working tirelessly in Mescalero to give these dogs a second chance.
To help us fund more life-saving missions like this one, please consider donating to BISSELL Pet Foundation today!