Everyone Knows Hay is for Horses!
JB’s Horse Rescue’s mission is so simple yet not so easy: to provide rescue, rehabilitation, adoption and retirement for aged, abused, unwanted/abandoned and neglected horses. On January 8th, a local news story indicated just how much help was needed for these amazing animals. Last summer’s drought forced an increase in hay prices from $2.25 per bale to between $10 and$15, putting a large financial strain on the rescue. The BISSELL Pet Foundation recognizes the important role JB’s plays in offering horses a second chance in our community. That’s why we came forward with funds to help the horses in their care.

JB’s Horse Rescue
The rescue was started by JB, who has always had a deep love for horses. Many of the horses she takes in end up at her door step because the economy has made it difficult for their owners to continue to care for them. The same high hay prices affecting her organization actually led to the need for the rescue in the first place, and why JB and her husband opened the 31-acre horse farm in October of last year. They recognized the need for help and that they could make a difference for those horses.
After receiving support from BPF and knowing they could provide the care needed, JB’s was able to open their doors to two additional horses who were near starvation at the time of rescue. We are proud to report that Tessa, Ginger, Adriana, Arabella, Speranza, Gemma, Zita and Gratziano will have full bellies after receiving 30 round bales of hay that BPF’s funding helped to purchase.