A Pixie Pup Adoption Story
A few months ago, we heard the news about a massive rescue operation taking place in Montcalm County Michigan. An irresponsible breeder was busted for breaking several local ordinances by keeping 100+ puppies and dogs on her property. She decided to surrender all of her dogs rather than face a citation. The BISSELL Pet Foundation responded quickly to the crisis allocating emergency grant funds to McCloud’s Lake Haven to provide for the sterilization, flea medication, and dental work for 58 pixie dogs. McCloud’s Lake Haven sent us the following story from a family who adopted one of these rescued dogs.
Pixie’s Story
I recently started fostering for Lake Haven Rescue; it had been many years since I had done some fostering, so I decided to do it again.
Then, I met Pixie. My second foster dog. In fact, I was schedule to foster another dog, but Pixie was in need of a new foster right away. The previous foster’s dog loved her so much that she wanted to play with her non-stop, which would haven been ok, but she was a much larger dog and they did not want this 2.5lb puppy to get hurt. So Lake Haven (Lisa Portenga) called and asked if I could pick her up that night.
The absolute first moment I saw Pixie, I loved her. Then, she stuck her little pink tongue out of her mouth and I was completely smitten. We brought her home from the meeting spot at Petsmart. The whole family fell in love with her right away. Even my husband!
Earlier that day, I had to put my cat of ten years to sleep. He had been suffering from cancer for a while and thought it was best to have him go to Heaven. I had a huge empty spot in my heart. Then came along Pixie!!
It was like she fit right into that empty spot perfectly! Trust me, there is not a day that goes by that I do not miss my cat, Cupcake. But having her made my life much more bearable.
We already had two dogs of our own and we were not looking to add another. The point of fostering is not to keep them, right? Well, there was no way I wanted that little dog to leave my house! The first time we tried to kennel her, she literally screamed and cried. I couldn’t take it, so I slept on the couch with her the first night and vowed she never would be locked in a cage again. She sleeps in bed with my husband and me. His doing!
I know my husband could see the love we all had for her, so he called Cheryl and told him he wanted to adopt her for my Mother’s Day present. I was already (reluctantly) scheduled to take here to Petsmart for the adoption event and even had a lady coming over to meet her. Cheryl, Lisa, and my husband had to figure out a way for me not to get her adopted to someone else! At one point, I did get very suspicious. Pixie is officially mine! What a wonderful Mother’s Day present! We also decided to keep her given name ‘Pixie’ to honor all of the ‘Pixie Pups’ that Lake Haven rescued.
So, I am happily, what they consider a ‘foster failure’.
– Lisa J
According to the ASPCA, only 20-30% are adopted from rescues or shelters. Five out of ten dogs in shelters are destroyed simply because there is no one to adopt them. The BISSELL Pet Foundation is determined to change these statistics by providing support for adoption programs across the United States. We are grateful to the many individual donors who provided the funds to help dogs like Pixie. Your support helped save the lives of 58 pixie pups!
About the BISSELL Pet Foundation
The BISSELL Pet Foundation is a charitable 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with a mission to help reduce the number of animals in shelters and to support organizations dedicated to the humane care and treated of animals through pet adoption, spay/neuter programs, microchipping and foster care. Founded in 2011 by Cathy Bissell, the BISSELL Pet Foundation is an extension of her long-standing love for animals and commitment to their welfare. The foundation is supported by BISSELL Homecare, Inc., a 137-year-old Grand Rapids-based floor care appliance brand in its fourth generation of family leadership.